GB Pant Hospital Delhi All Contact / Phone Numbers

gb pant hospital delhi
1.Anesthesiology541423233001 6th Floor, A Block
2.BioChemistry511523233001 4th Floor ,A Block
3.Cardio thoracic Surgery512623233001 Block A , 1st Floor
4.Cardiology521223233001 Block A , 1st Floor
5.Gastro Enterology531823233001 Block A, 2nd Floor
6.Microbiology522423233001 Block A, 3rd Floor
7.Gastrointestinal Surgery552123233001 2nd Floor, Block A
8.Neuro Surgery551123233001 Block A, 5th Floor
9.Neurology532623233001 Block A, 5th Floor
10.Pathology561423233001 Block A, 4th Floor
11.Psychiatry500723233001 Block A , 6th Floor
12.RadiologyGround Floor,
Block B
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  1. indrajeet kr yadav says:

    my name Indra jeet kr yadan .i m doing admit my 1st year complete and 2nd year going now I want to do internship in this hospital how can I get there plz suggest me

  2. Himanshu Rana says:

    We want the number of dr. Mohit gupta hurt spcialist in gb pant hospital right now pls pls

  3. Dear sir,

    kindly I have to know we have given a sample of nerve biopsy date on 01.12.2016 plz confirm when will be the report released pt is a serious condition in Stephen hospital so plz confirm me as soon as possible.

    pt name – aman kumar

  4. Dharmendra kumar says:

    please please :- heart pump how many charges

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