Chandigarh RTO Code, Phone Number, Address

Chandigarh RTO Code, Name, Address, Phone Numbers and Pin code

RTO CodeRTO NameRTO AddressPin CodePhone Number
CH01RLA ChandigarhSector 17 Chandigarh1600170172 - 2700341

Chandigarh RTO code means the code of the Regional Transport Office situated in Chandigarh. The Regional Transport Office of Chandigarh is set up to develop the transport activities in the state. This department performs all the works under the prescribed rules and regulation framed by Motor Vehicle act of Chandigarh.

The functional activities of the department are as follow:

  1. Different permit to the transport Vehicle issuance,
  2. various types vehicle registration,
  3. Provide licenses for all registered vehicle and collection of several taxes and fees of all vehicle as per prescribed condition.

All the rules under Motor Vehicle Act are framed keeping in view of public convenience. So if any difficulty occurs in following the above rules then the department may change it for the sake of the citizen. In the other hand, if any vehicle owner represents incorrect information regarding his vehicle in order to deceive the department for his sole benefit he will be punished for the misrepresentation of the false statement.

However, there is a single RTO in Chandigarh but truly very responsible for its transport services. The Office always tries its best to deliver efficient and environment-friendly services for the sake of the public. While Chandigarh RTO code further allows the vehicle owner to get aware of registered vehicle time to time.

In the above article, we have given you the all the information regarding Chandigarh RTO. It includes the Chandigarh RTO code with its address and phone number which enable you to get contact with them.

If anyone has any query concerned to any transport issue in Chandigarh can immediately contact to RTO Chandigarh to do away with of all extravagant problem.

We hope above given Chandigarh RTO code would be helpful to the readers up to certain extent.




  1. CH 01 AB 5941.New registration apply in Nalanda dto. Confirmation letter sended to Chandigarh dto from dto Nalanda.Chandigarh dto did not send to confirmation letter.

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