Varanasi District Level Officers Phone Number U.P.

In Varanasi religion, lot of officers are working on the various posts. DM, ADM Assistant Director, DDO, DSO, DPRO, DAHO, DAO, DPO, ADDO, DSWO, DMWO and all other. To find the Varanasi District Level Officers Phone Number U.P. (Uttar Pradesh) see below.

Varanasi District Level Officers Phone Number U.P.

1.DM(0542) 2508585
2.Project Director , DRDA(0542) 2502686
3.DDO(0542) 2506426
4.DSWO(0542) 2504334
7.Project Director(0542) 2509773
8.DPRO(0542) 2506963
9.DSO(0542) 2506641
11.DPO, ICDS(0542) 2506100
12.DAHO(0542) 2503786
13.DAO(0542) 2503302
16.Assistant Director9415259585
17.ADM (Admin)(0542) 2504900
18.ADM (City)(0542) 2508320
19.ADM (FC&S)(0542) 2502562
20.ADM (Protocol)(0542) 2508272
21.City Magistrate(0542) 2508267
22.SDM (Sadar)(0542) 2508585
23.SDM (Pindra)(0542) 2508585
24.CRO(0542) 2508585
25.CDO(0542) 2501352
26.DC(0542) 2282333
27.CEO, Sri Kashi
Vishwanath Temple
(0542) 2390550
28.District Election
(0542) 2506080
29.Vice Chairman - VDA(0542) 2282455
30.Nagar Ayukt
Nagar Nigam
(0542) 2221711
31.CEO Jila Panchayat(0542) 2500707
32.DIO(0542) 2221104
33.Chief Engineer PWD(0542) 2502838
34.Chief Engineer
(0542) 2221527
35.Joint Director
(0542) 2370079
36.RTO(0542) 2623550

The second name of Varanasi district is Banaras. It is situated at the cost of the pious Ganga river. In Varanasi district 3 Tehsils, 8 Blocks, 810 Panchayats and 25 Police Stations is located. Here DM leads collectorate. DDO Supervises development department. DSO works supply issues. DPRO handles Panchayati raj problem. Agriculture departmental problem is being solved by the DAO. The cases which are related to DRDA department is being solved by the Project Director.

From the table above you can easily check Varanasi District Level Officers Phone Number U.P. and use whichever is needed for you.

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