Thrissur Hospital Phone Number West Fort, Hi-Tech, Elite Mission, Ashwini

S.No.Firm NameContact
1.West Fort Hospital, Thrissur(0487) 2382130
2.Hi-Tech Hospital, Thrissur(0487) 2388999
3.Medical College, Thrissur(0487) 2421050
4.Elite Mission
Hospital, Thrissur
(0487) 2423322
5.Heart Hospital,
(0487) 2440128
6.Ashwini Hospital, Thrissur(0487) 2334401
7.Ealya Hospital,
(0487) 2425770
8.Co-operative Hospital, Thrissur(0487) 2335550
9.Karthyayani Nursing Home(0487) 2334656
10.Raji Nursing Home(0487) 2332085
11.Dhanya Hospital(0487) 2334690

Thrissur district has performed the valuable role in the commercial relation between Kerala state and the other part of world from the long time ago. It has also importance in matter of laid foundation of a cosmopolitan etiquette in the state of Kerala. In the history of South India this district has too much importance, Sangam and Cheras had governed over a huge part of the Kerala and Vanchi was the capital. The entire area of Thrissur district was the part of the early empire of Chera. Agriculture is known for its economical activity.

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