Rohtas District Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) Phone Number

In Rohtas, district level officers are responsible for the development, welfare, prosperity, financial, social, education and others related works. All district officers perform day to day works in the region. In this article, we are prescribing Rohtas district Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) phone number one by one.

Rohtas District Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) Phone Number

1.CDPO Sasaram-
2.CDPO Chenari9431005103
3.CDPO Shivsagar 9431005112
4.CDPO Kargahar9431005108
5.CDPO Kochas9431005113
6.CDPO Nokha943100110
7.CDPO Dihri9431005105,
8.CDPO Akorhigola9431005118
9.CDPO Tilauthu 9431005119
10.CDPO Rohtas9431005120
11.CDPO Nauhatta9431005117
12.CDPO Vikramganj9431005102
13.CDPO Sanjhauli9431005116
14.CDPO Dawath-
15.CDPO Dinara9431005106
16.CDPO Suryapura9431005114
17.CDPO Karakat9431005107
18.CDPO Nasriganj9431005107
19.CDPO Rajpur9431005115

Rohtas region is part of Patna division and administrative headquarter of the region is Sasaram. Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) looks after the health status, social development, proper nutrition, education and others related works of the children. CDPO also provided supplemental nutrition to children less than six years. He also provided referral service for children. All district officers perform daily routine works in the region.

In Rohtas district, Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) phone number is written in tabular form and up to date to communicate with them.

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