Railway Station Phone Number – Panskura, Phuleswar, Raghunathbari, Rajghat, Ranital, Rajgoda

Railway Station Phone Number – Panskura, Phuleswar, Raghunathbari, Rajghat, Rajgoda and Station codes

S.No.Station NameCodePhone Number
1.PanskuraPKU03228-252224, 64302
3.Radhamohanpur RDU03222–245548

The name of Kharagpur is a tribute to Lord Shiva Temple. The name of this temple is Khargeswar and placed at Kharagpur town. This temple was founded by the king Kharag Singh pal and temple was named after king. Kharagpur was also depicted in Mahabharat, and it was the kingdom of giant Hiramba. Pandavas had spent some time here during their exile. Hiramba had a sister and Bhim wants to get marry with his sister therefore giant had fought with Bhim and he had been killed. Bhim get merry with his sister Hidimba. Where giant killed by Bhim on same place temple is placed. Below some numbers and are written of Kharagpur Division Railway stations which are these Panskura / SMR, Dy. SS/ Panskura, Phuleswar, Radhamohanpur PH, Raghunathbari, Rajghat, Ranital, and Rajgoda.

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