Railway Station Phone Number – Kharagpur, Kokpara, Kolaghat, Madpur

Railway Station Phone Number – Kharagpur, Kokpara, Kolaghat, Lakhannath RD, Macheda, Madpur and Station codes

S.No.Station NameCodePhone Number
1.KharagpurKGP03222-255751, 255735
3.KolaghatKIG03228-256243, 64260
4.Lakhannath RDLXD06781–285430
5.MachedaMCA03228-250265, 64232

The railway division of Kharagpur is famous in West Bengal state. It has the biggest railway workshop in Indian Railway. Kharagpur is a developed town in Medinipur district. Here, there are a number of Industries running. Through education point of view, it is also an ideal place for those who are eager to set up their career in the engineering sector because here the most prestigious institute is present. That’s why it is educationally advanced. Here beneath some numbers and code has been given of following stations Kharagpur, Kokpara, Kolaghat, Lakhannath RD, Macheda, and Madpur.

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