Phone Number Samy NSK, Valli, Selvanayagi, Senniappan Hospital, Erode

Tamil Nadu ( Erode district ) Telephone Numbers 

Contact details of Clinic / Hospital of Erode district, Tamil Nadu

District – Erode (Tamil Nadu) 

Telephone Numbers and STD Code Number of Samy NSK, Valli, Selvanayagi and Senniappan Hospitals, all of which are located at Erode in Tamil Nadu State, have been mentioned below —

1. Name of Hospital / Clinic and Venue – Samy, N.S.K, Erode (Tamil Nadu) 

STD Code No. – 0424
Phone Numbers – 2269681 (Office), 2268782 (Residence)

2. Hospital / Clinic Name and Venue – Samy T.K (Valli Hospital), Erode (Tamil Nadu) 

STD Code Number – 0424
Office Telephone Numbers – 2277477, 2277577

3. Clinic / Hospital Name and Place – Selvanayagi Hospital, Erode (Tamil Nadu) 

STD Code Number – 0424
Phone Number – 2266732 (Office)

4. Clinic / Hospital Name and Venue – Senniappan (ENT), Erode (Tamil Nadu) 

STD Code Number – 0424
Office Telephone Number – 2267287

After reading the above written paragraph, you can know details of contact and communication information in regard of Hospitals or Clinics located in Erode town in Tamil Nadu State. On this page, STD Code Number with Telephone Number of  Hospitals whose name are like Samy NSK, Valli, Selvanayagi, ans Senniappan Hospital all of them are located at the Erode town in Tamil Nadu State. Patients and other people may utilise the above given telephone numbers for their any type of emergency or urgent work related to that of any hospital. Thus, We can say that the above given telephone numbers are very useful and helpful for us.
Visitors of this web page, If required, may also search the telephone numbers of other desired institutions, hospitals, clinics, offices and others which are located in any part of India.

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