Phone Number Carmel Matric Higher Secondary School, Erode Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu ( Erode district ) Phone Numbers 

Phone Numbers of Carmel Matric Higher
Secondary School, Erode (Tamil Nadu)

Telephone Numbers with STD Code Number of Carmel Matric Higher Secondary School,
Erode (Tamil Nadu) are mentioned below –
Name and
Location of School – Carmel Matric Higher Secondary School, Erode (Tamil Nadu)
STD Code
– 0424
Telephone Number
– 2400872, 2401532


After reading the above given article, you may know about the STD Code Number and Office Telephone Numbers of Carmel Matric Higher Secondary School located at Erode (Tamil Nadu). The given telephone numbers are very useful and helpful for resident of relevant area. Because with the help of telephone numbers, they may contact to the relevant school office for their essential work and get convenience.


  1. I think Carmel is a good association and I like this school so…….much

  2. Respected sir/madam can you please provide me provincial’s email address. I need some clarification about CMI

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