North Tripura District BDO Phone Number For Blocks

In North Tripura , all over 8 blocks are available whose headquarters are Kadamtal, Panisagar, Jubarajnagar, Dasda, Laljuri, Kalacherra, Jampui Hills,and finally Damcherra. Every block has its own BDO. North Tripura is an administrative district in the state of Tripura. You will find the phone number and other details of the BDO posted in the blocks under the district.

North Tripura District BDO Phone Number

1.Block Development
Officer, Dasda
(03824) 267265
2.Block Development
Officer, Kadamtala
(03824) 263203
3.Block Development
Officer, Panisagar
(03824) 261221
4.Block Development
Officer, Damcherra
(03824) 268203
5.Block Development
Officer, Jampui Hills
(03824) 238287
6.Block Development
Officer, Jubarajnagar
(03824) 294682
7.Block Development
Officer, Laljuri
8.Block Development
Officer, Kalacherra

In north tripura district  BDO phone numbers are available. BDO works in administrative service. They are the head of blocks.They participate and handle development related works. Rural development, block development etc are the field they cover.

The district head quarters are located at Dharmanagar. It is the third largest district in the state by population. In North Tripura district, maximum day temperature is 38°C and minimum 26°C. Its language is Bengali. Here people speaks kokborok, English. It is divided into 9 Tehsils, panchayats, 186 villages. There are total 10 Assembly constituencies in North Tripura district. North Tripura district become home to the Rowa wildlife sanctuary in 1988. It has an area of 0.85 km2. North Tripura district comes in the Lok sabha constituency of Tripura East , which  shares its boundry with south Tripura districts and Dhalai.

So take help of North Tripura District BDO Phone Number to call any of the officers.

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