North 24 Parganas Phone Numbers – District Level Officers WB

North 24 Parganas district has an administrative area where DM, ADM, SDO, DPO, DC, DIO, DPM and all others are posted in various departments. They handle all issues related to the district and help the people ever amicably.

North 24 Parganas Phone Numbers – District Level Officers West Bengal

1.DM(033) 25523662
2.ADM(033) 25846205
3.ADM, Treasury(033) 25846210
4.DRDC -
5.Secretary, Zilla
(033) 25846357
6.DP-RDO(033) 25846247
7.DPO(033) 25846281
8.DC(033) 25846250
9.Deputy Secretary-
10.District Manager(033) 25523260
11.DLAO(033) 25846325
12.RTO(033) 25846266
13.SDO(033) 23596097
14.DIO(033) 25846241
15.ICDS(033) 25846246
16.DPM(033) 25846242

North 24 Parganas district is Placed in the south of the Bengal. There are two popular rivers (The Ganga, Brahmaputra) flow in this district. Here DM manages administrative field and clears up all affairs belonging to the district. ADM is also deputed under the DM and supports him always. DC works as a collector and the same as a DM. All types of the educational projects are conducted in this district and organized by the DPO.

People, who are needy to contact  the district level officers of North 24 Parganas can find their phone numbers above.

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