Narsinghpur Phone Number SDO, Post Office, Bharat Gas, Co, Doordarshan

1.SDO (Telephone)07792 230550
2.SDO (Telegram)07792 231200
3.Doordarshan Relay Center230990
4.Head Post Office230604
5.GM, (FCI)230885
6.Bharat Gas Service233664
7.Civil supply Corporation230564
8.Manager, (MPSRTC)230403

About Narsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh : – The land of Narsinghpur district is too much fertile. It is said that the land of this district is best across all over in Asian Continent. There are four kinds of soil but black soil is best for all types of agriculture. District has the convenient way of Irrigation. It is popular for its Production ability. Narmada valley assists to improve the generate of crops. The production of crops of are too much above than it needs. Farmers use the both way of framing new and old as well. Wells, Rivers, ponds canals are the major sources of watering.

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