Malkangiri Phone Numbers District Level Officers Odisha

DPO, DRO, DSO Deputy Collector Election and other district level officer are nominated to look after the daily routine works in the district of Malkangiri. General Manager District Industries Centre, Their Phone Number helps them to communicate with the resident of the region and perform in the official works in a better way. The below table shows detail info of Malkangiri Phone Numbers of District Level Officers Odisha.

Malkangiri Phone Numbers – District Level Officers Odisha

1.DC(06861) 230232
3.Chief District
Veterinary Officer
(06861) 230277
4.Deputy Director
(06861) 230242
5.DRO(06861) 231671
6.DSO(06861) 230426
7.Deputy Collector
(06861) 230382
8.General Manager
District Industries
(06861) 230175
9.DPO(06861) 230369
10.District Employment
(06861) 230427
11.District Culture Officer(06861) 230594

The DPO looks after the fields of water, sanitation and cleanliness and also responsible for the day to day operation, program performance, record keeping, information management, technical support and monitor the progress of the program at district level. In Odisha district to know the detail of the agricultural development, related works come under the authority of DDA.

In the above table, you can read Malkangiri Phone Numbers of District Level Officers like DPO, DRO, DSO Deputy Collector Election and District Employment Officer etc contact them purposefully.

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