Madhubani, Bihar DM, ADM, DDC, DRDA, DTO, MVI, DIO Phone Number

District Madhubani Phone Number of District Level Officers – DM, DDC, ADM, DRDA, (Director Accounts) Executive Magistrate, DEO, DRDA (Assistant
Project Officer) DTO, MVI, DIO NIC, and DIA NIC.

Madhubani District Level Officer Contact Detail

DesignationMobileEmail ID
ADM (General)9473191325
SDO Benipatti9473191328sdo.benipatti@gmail.coM
Director DRDA9431818423
DTO / District Transport Officer9430557376

About: –  Madhubani is a district town in Bihar. The area covered by Madhubani is 3501 sq Kms. Madhubani has a healthy climate. It receives average rainfall. Paddy and sugarcane are the principal crops of this district. Madhubani district cultivation is fully dependent on the monsoon. If the monsoon failure then it is like a disaster for crops. It is often affected by heavy rain and water flowing which comes from Nepal. This district is well connected with both roads as well as the railway line. It is in the North Eastern Railway Zone. The business tycoon of this district is Handloom export, Makhana, fish, Cloth, Mangoes, paddy, and imports medicine, machine, cosmetic items, and shoes. There are a lot of religious places in the district of Madhubani. Maithili is a local tongue of those who live in the ruler area of the district. The number of Blocks in this district is twenty-one.



  1. om prakash chaudhary says:

    Hearing on 12-04-16 at 11:30 AM before ERO 035 at DRDA, MADHUBANI come with relevant documents. Iska matlab kya hai….

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