Kendujhar Odisha District Level Officers Phone Number

Kendujhar Odisha District Level Officers have their own official phone numbers to interact with the people living in the district and perform official works as well. We are writing here the Kendujhar Odisha District Level Officers Phone Number of DC, ADM, DAO, District Employment Officer, District TB Officer, Registrar Civil Courts, Chief Judicial Magistrate, District & Sessions Judge, Regional Transport Officer, Chief District Veterinary Officer, CDMO, President Zilla parishad, Civil Supply Officer, Executive Engineer, DSWO, Executive Officer, Project Director, General Manager, DSO. The contact information will help you to communicate with them in your relevant issues.

Kendujhar Odisha District level Officers phone number

1.DC(06766) 255482
2.ADM(06766) 255408
3.DAO(06766) 255439
4.District Employment Officer(06766) 255449
5.District TB Officer(06766) 255746
6.Registrar Civil Courts(06766) 255451
7.Chief Judicial Magistrate(06766) 255585
8.District & Sessions Judge(06766) 255210
9.Regional Transport Officer(06766) 255481
10.Chief District
Veterinary Officer
(06766) 255404
11.CDMO(06766) 255525
12.President Zilla parisad(06766) 255642
13.Civil Supply Officer9937443772
14.Executive Engineer(06766) 258195
15.DSWO(06766) 255557
16.Executive Officer(06766) 255413
17.Project Director(06766) 255538
18.General Manager(06766) 255418
19.DSO(06766) 255420

In Kendujhar Odisha District Level Officers hold the administrative and developmental activities.  Some of the main roles of the District level officer in Kendujhar include looking after the maintenance of law and order, crisis management, the collection of tax and revenue and progression in the welfare of the region.

The given information is taken from its official website and up to date. Kendujhar Odisha District Level Officers Phone Number of DC, ADM, DAO, District Employment Officer, District TB Officer, Registrar Civil Courts, Chief Judicial Magistrate and others officer are official and open for the people of the district throughout the day.

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