Jamshedpur Phone Number of ADM, ADC, SDM, MGM, DTO, DPO, MNAC

District Administration – Jamshedpur (East Singhbhum)
STD Code – 0657
District Jamshedpur Contact Numbers of ADM (Additional District Magistrate) Law & Order, ADC (Additional Deputy Commissioner), Administrator Subarnarekha Project, Civil SDM, Treasury Officer, Special Officer MNAC, District Planning Officer, District Supt. of Education, Assistant Settlement Officer.

Jamshedpur District Level Officer Contact detail

DesignationOffice ResidenceEmail ID
ADM (Additional District Magistrate), Law & Order22282502235235es-admlw-jhr@nic.in
ADC (Additional Deputy Commissioner)24324242228347es-adc-jhr@nic.in
Administrator Swarnrekha Project2371546
Treasury Officer, Jamshedpur2422004
Special Officer MNAC2361031
District Planning Officer2228245
District Superintendent of Education 2487194
Principal MGM2462108
About :-  There many beautiful and attractive places are in Jamshedpur. Dima Lake is also one of them. The atmosphere of the lake is healthy and beautiful. Therefore, it is an ideal spot for picnic point of view. Jubilee Park is another important place in this town for outing. It has been gifted by the Tata steel for the amusement of the citizen of the Jamshedpur. Tourists come to visit in the evening three coloured fountains at the middle of the garden. There is the sanctuary in Jamshedpur name is Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary. It is placed at the height of 3000 feet. It is spread in an area of approx 193 sq km. Visitors may see many wild animals in this sanctuary. It has been opened in the year of 1975 by late Sanjay Gandhi.
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