Gumla, Jharkhand Phone Number BDO, CO Bishunpur, Raidih, Palkot, Basia, Kamdara

Block Department – Gumla (Jharkhand)
District Gumla Contact Numbers of BDO, CO of Bishunpur, Raidih, Palkot, Basia, Kamdara Blocks, Gumla District Jharkhand.

District Gumla Block Level Officer Contact Detail

DesignationBlockSTD CodeMobile/Office
BDO (Block Development Officer)Bishunpur06523274308
CO (Circle Officer)Raidih9430161787

About: – The South keol, The Sankh and the North keol are the big and major rivers of the Gumla district. The land of it district is rich by minerals of Bauxite and Laterite generally both minerals are available in pueblos of Chirudih, Am Kipani, Narma, Jalim, and Gudari. It is the most backward district of India and getting the fund of BRGF by Indian Government. The major part of the populace is used to speak Hindi, Kurukh, Sadri, and Oriya.  Gumla is known as a district of primeval tribes. It is placed in the southwest part of Jharkhand state. Out of 100% the total population of primeval tribes is 68%. Therefore it is district of scheduled caste people. There is only a subdivision of this district name is Gumla. Description about Rishyamook Mountain which is located in this district can be found in the epic of Ramayana. The total area of forest of this district is 1.35 hectares.

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