Doctors in Vidya Nagar Jjaipur Phone Numbers (Rajasthan)
People living in Vidya Nagar might want to know the Doctors in Vidya Nagar jaipur Phone Numbers practicing nearby. If you are one of them you can get it from here. We are going to write the phone numbers of the doctors running their clinics in Vidya Nagar Area. So follow underneath.
S.No. | Name / Clinic | Specialist | Contact |
1. | Dr. Soni Clinic | Andrology | (0141) 2306246 |
2. | Dr. Kumar Asnani | Anesthesiology | 9829491589 |
3. | Dr. Puneet Pratap Singhal | Anesthesiology | (0141) 2232653 |
4. | Dr. Rajeev Lakhotia | Anesthesiology | (0141) 2290297 |
5. | Dr. Manish Jain | Chest & T.B. Specialists | (0141) 2338257 |
6. | Dr. Manohar Lal Gupta | Chest & T.B. Specialists | (0141) 2236280 |
7. | Dr. Arun Jain | Diabetes | (0141) 2335920 |
8. | Dr. Rakesh Parikh | Diabetes | (0141) 2339983 |
9. | Dr. Nishi Sonkhya | ENT | (0141) 2335106 |
10. | Dr. Omendra Singh Ratnu | ENT | (0141) 2236162 |
11. | Dr. rajesh k saini | ENT | (0141) 2235130 |
12. | Dr. Dinesh Shah | General Surgery | (0141) 2233296 |
13. | Dr. K M Shrivastav | General Surgery | (0141) 2619754 |
14. | Dr. Kailash Sharma | General Surgery | (0141) 2338261 |
15. | Dr. Rashmi Goyal | Gynecology | (0141) 2336470 |
16. | Dr. Sharmila Jalewa | Gynecology | (0141) 2335122 |
17. | Dr. Anil K baddaya | Homeopathy | (0141) 233646 |
18. | Dr. Janardan Sharma | Paediatrics | (0141) 2236763 |
19. | Dr. Sunil Golecha | Radiology | (0141) 2338474 |
You can get appointment using these numbers from any doctors in Vidya Nagar. In emergency, written phone number can greatly help you. Apart from these you can find time schedule of any doctor to consult him, know operation schedule, find whether the doctor is present or not at present.