All Doctors Chandpole Road Jaipur Phone Numbers

In Chandpole road Jaipur, few doctors are running their clinics and hospitals. We have written All Doctors Chandpole Road Jaipur Phone Numbers here. These are Dr. J K Chouhan, Dr. Prakash Chandnani, Dr. Bhanwar Singh Yadav specialists in Ophthalmology, ENT, and General Surgery. Except these Pinkcity Medical Research Centre and Wahid clinic are also available.

All Doctors Chandpole Road Jaipur Phone Numbers

S.No.Name / Clinic SpecialistContact
1.Dr. Prakash ChandnaniENT(0141) 2310978
2.Dr. Bhanwar Singh YadavGeneral Surgery(0141) 2310870
3.Dr. J K ChouhanOphthalmology (0141) 2310288
4.Pinkcity Medical Research CentrePathology(0141) 2310552
5.Dr. Wahid Clinic(0141) 2306048

You can get All Doctors Civil Lines Jaipur Phone Numbers in an another article.

If you need to contact these doctors you can note down the phone numbers written in the table above. All these doctors book advance appointments on phone calls. So you call if you need assistance from them whether you need Surgery or issues related to eyes or ear nose and throat.

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