Dharmapuri District Phone Number – Health Dept PHC Eriyur, Kadamadai

Dharmapuri  District Phone Number 
 Name of Department – Primary Health Centre (Health Department ) 

Place – Eriyur, Kadamadai

Block – Pennagaram 

District – Dharmapuri 
State – Tamil Nadu ( India) 

 Contact and Communication Detail viz. Area STD Code Number , Office Telephone Contact Number and E-mail Address of Health Department – Primary Health Centre (PHC) located at Eriyur and Kadamadai  located in Pennnagaram block of Dharmpuri District – Tamil Nadu State are  mentioned in further given paragraph as following —

1. Name of Office  and Location – Primary Health Centre,  Eriyur 

Department Name – Health Department

Area STD Code  No. –  04342

Office Telephone Contact Number  – 252548

E-Mail Address – dpi-eriyur.tnphc@nic.in

2.  Name of Office and Place  – Primary Health Centre (PHC), Kadamadai 

Department Name  – Health  Department

Area STD Code No. – 04342

Office Telephone Number –  Not Available

E-Mail Address – dpi-kmadai.tnphc@nic.in

In above provided passage, one can find the Communication and Contact details of the Primary Health Centers (PHC)  belongs to Health Department, Dharmapuri (Tamil Nadu State) .We have written Area STD Code No, Official  Telephone Contact Number and E-Mail Address of   each primary health center (PHC) which are located  in Eriyur and Kadamadi. Both of  these places are located in Pennagaram block fall in Dharmapuri District in Tamil Nadu State.For Patient and other People above given phone number can be very useful and helpful at the time of urgent need or emergency case. In  any kind of necessary situation, the above said phone number can help a lot to any patient for contacting the relevant hospital.  On this website you  may  also search or find contact and  telephone numbers, Address, Location, and Communication details  like STD Code, Fax Number, and E-Mail Address of all other different important organizations on the various web pages of this website. So, If you want to know about phone number and other details of any  important institutions go through the various pages published by us on this website.

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