Daman and Diu RTO Code, Address, Pin Code, Phone Numbers

Address, Pin, Phone Numbers, Codes of Both Daman RTO and Diu RTO

RTO CodeNameRTO AddressRTO Pin CodePhone Number
DD03RTO DamanMotor Vehicle section,
Office of the collector,
New RTO Complex,
Airport Road,
Nani Daman,
Daman - 396210
0260 - 2260140
DD02RTO DiuMotor Vehicle section,
office of the collector,
Diu - 362520
02875 - 252444

Total 2 RTO are functioning in Daman and Diu. One is located at Nani Daman and working for the people residing in Daman. Second is in Diu. Both of the RTO are situated in the motor vehicle sections around the offices of Collector of the regarding area. Both of the Daman and Diu RTO codes are like this – Daman – DD03 whereas for Diu it is DD02.

RTO is bound to follow some rules and regulations in the interest of the people. Road Tax payment schedule is set separate for different types of vehicles. Driving license is mandatory for the people. If  anyone violates the rule police and law come into action.

In this article. we have written Daman and Diu RTO Code and Address. If you require more information in the interest of your vehicle registration, tax payment, driving license and any inconvenience you feel you can get from the above table. Further phone numbers in the table may help you to contact RTO personals and get everything OK.

RTO is liable to register your Motor vehicle. If you purchase a novice vehicle you must have to obtain a registration number under maximum 21 days. For this, you need to confer F 20 filled up form, evidence of sale, Address authentication. Under Fee structure, you will notice the  fee for the different vehicles decided unequal. So you have to pay the fee according the motor vehicle you own.


  1. respective sir,
    my self SK Verma working on Indian Coast Guard at the present I am posted at goa. sir, I purchase the two-wheeler passion pro in the year of 2011 at Nani daman. I have not change the registration of motorcycle or not taking NOC. Sir pls help me to how I will change the registration of motorcycle or get NOC. Sir, i want to sail it and purchase another new one. so sir pls kindly help us. I am waiting for your remarks or suggestion.
    humble request sir pls do something.

    thank u sir

  2. Makarpura Police station Vadodara City says:

    Please provide in Police- investigation under vehicle name and address from Police- inspector makarpura Police station Vadodara City D D 9316 in pick-up van engine no.01226 chassis no. – mat524001dra00209.

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