Bishunpur Phone Numbers – District Level Officers Manipur

Bisunpur district has an administrative area where DC, SDO, SDC, DIO, DFO, DSWO, AEO, CMO General Manager (DIC) and all others are deputed to supervise all the sections of this district and clear all issues belonging to here.

Bishunpur Phone Numbers – District Level Officers Manipur

1.DC(03879) 22212
2.SDO (Bishunpur)(03879) 22267
3.SDO (Moirang)(03879) 227599
4.SDC (Moirang)(03879) 227591
5.DIO (NIC)(03879) 222307
6.DFO(03879) 222219
7.DSWO(03879) 442465
8.AEO(03879) 222347
9.DYC (NYK)(03879) 222245
10.CMO(03879) 222213
11.District Hospital(03879) 22208
12.DFWO(03879) 22208
13.General Manager
(03879) 22223
14.J.T.O (Bishunpur)(03879) 223939

Bishunpur District was known as Lamlungdong. It is famous for most popular Vishnu Mandir. King Kyamba was the famous monarch of this district. Here DC handles administrative issues, guide under working officer, suggest to the future development of this district. There are three sub-divisional offices in this district and in each one sub-divisional officer is posted to handle this department and sort out affairs related to this section. District Informatics Center is also the main sector where General Manager look after all problem and remove it rapidly.

If you want to contact the officers posted in this district can see above and use it according to your requirement.

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