Arwal Emergency Contact Numbers Bihar

Here, you will be able to get information about the Arwal Emergency Contact Numbers for your convenience. As you may know, Arwal is one of those districts of the state, which was in the area of Naxalism in the past and is still waiting for development. When the district was formed in 2001, with some areas of Jehanabad and Aurangabad, its main objective was to curb the Naxalite activities in the region. At the same time, providing administrative facilities, development of the area, and providing amenities to the people were also important issues, and to some extent, it has been successful.

Anyway, we are here to make available  Arwal Emergency / Mandatory Services contact numbers Bihar and it might be useful for you. These pieces of information are really helpful for the residents of the district and other peoples as well. These notifications will definitely reduce your pain and you would like to keep it safe with you.

Arwal Emergency Contact Numbers

S.No.Name of ServicesPhone Numbers
1.SP , Arwal06337 - 228639
2.DSP, Headquarter 07782054245
3.Police Inspector,Arwal -06337 - 228976
4.Civil Surgeon , Arwal06337 - 228046
5.Deputy Supretendent,Sadar Hospital, Arwal08083241322
6.Medical Officer Incharge, P.H.C, Arwal06337 - 229275
7.Medical Officer Incharge, P.H.C, Kaler09470003049
8.Medical Officer Incharge, P.H.C, Banshi09470003044
9.Medical Officer Incharge, P.H.C, Kurtha09470003043
10.Medical Officer Incharge, P.H.C, Karpi09470003048
11.Women helpline, Arwal09771468002
12.Maa Bindhyavashini Hp Gas Agency, Arwal06337 - 229015
13.Kaler Indane Gas Agency, Kaler 099396 15244
14.Child welfare committee, Arwal09430609259

Arwal is an agrarian district, which is situated on the banks of a river named Son, which is a side stream of the Ganga. Here mainly paddy, wheat, and pulses are produced, and water is available from the Son river. However, Most of the population is deprived of development and other facilities and is still away from the mainstream.

In the past few years, due to the increasing practice of the internet and public awareness, a wave of development has taken place. While the effect of the Naxalites has been reduced in the district, education and employment opportunities, on the other hand, have also increased.

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