All Newspaper Muzaffarpur Phone Number

You would quickly find all newspaper Muzaffarpur phone number right here. As you know, we are living in the age of media, where each and every news matters for the public. You have to be updated on what is happening around you. Muzaffarpur is a very important district of Bihar, therefore, you can get all newspaper reporters in the district. In this article, you will get Aaj, Hindustan, Times of India, Dainik Jagran, Prabhat Khabar and Indian Express phone numbers.

Print media plays an important role in our life and all the information is based on this. Therefore, the importance of print media is increasing with time and probably you may know this fact very well.

So, All newspaper reporters in Muzaffarpur available right here for good of all.

All Newspaper Muzaffarpur Phone Number

S.NO.Name Phone Number

0621 - 2240652
0621 - 2235073
2.Dainik jaagran

0621 - 2247370
0621 -2520264

0621 - 2235242
4.Prabhat khabar

0621 - 2242622
5.Times of India0621 - 2223037
0621 - 2223171
6.Indian Express0621 - 2228839

The print media provide you a broad platform, where you can be able to address society and the country as well. Whenever someone raises his voice on this platform, the voices go up to the higher level of administration. In addition, they also work for the interest of the common man and his rights. They are the eyes and ears of every man because you don’t know what is happening now. Most noteworthy, the media keep eye on each and every incident, which takes place in the country and around the world as well. That’s why print media is running a parallel government across the globe.

Muzaffarpur is famous for his Litchi production in the country, which is a very juicy fruit. The city comes under the jurisdiction of the Tirhut division. The district also has fame in history and that’s why It is a good place for everyone.

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